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Do you wish you’d asked grandad about the war?

6 Aug

If your answer is a resounding ‘YES’  then listen carefully

The first thing to do when deciding to begin researching your family history is to ask relatives for their memories.

Ask is the keyword

Ask everyone from Auntie Barbara to Great Uncle Alfred.

Ask them what they remember of their childhood, the war, rationing, games they played

Ask them about their parents and grandparents, names, dates, births and deaths, funny stories and sad ones too

Paperwork plays a big part

Have they got any birth, marriage or death certificates which will help you on your way?

Have they got diaries, letters, christmas cards or telegrams which have been sent over the years?

Has anyone else in the family made a start on researching the family before now?  After all you dont want to waste time going over old ground.

Make a record

Finally, Keep a record of everything you are told, be it on paper or a voice recording on disc. Make sure you know who told you what details so that if you need to check back with them you can do so in an instant. Label it well and make sure you store it safely in acid free folders.

Don’t do what i did and leave it until it was too late to question loved ones about the past

Ask today

Then encourage your children and grandchildren to take an interest too and you will know that this fascinating hobby will carry on